Effective ways to hack whatsapp using phone number

The most popular messaging app in the world, WhatsApp is being used by over 1.2 billion people every day. And while it’s a great way to stay in touch with your friends and family, there are ways of hacking WhatsApp so you can read messages sent by someone on another device! If you have been wondering how to hack Whatsapp using a phone number or any other method, then this article will provide effective ways of doing just that!

Why Do You Need to Hack Someone’s WhatsApp?

There can be various reasons why you might want to hack someone’s WhatsApp. Here are some of the most common ones:

Spying on Loved Ones

If you have a loved one who you suspect might be cheating on you, then hacking their WhatsApp messages can give you the proof you need. It can also help you keep an eye on your kids to make sure they aren’t getting into any trouble.

Protect the Kids

As we all know, with technology becoming more and more widespread, it’s important for parents to take steps to protect their kids from potential online dangers. One way of doing this is by monitoring their WhatsApp conversations. This way, you can see if anyone is trying to groom them or send them inappropriate content.

Recover Deleted Messages

Accidentally deleted an important message from someone on WhatsApp? No problem! By hacking into that person’s account, you can easily recover deleted messages.

Is It Possible to Hack WhatsApp?

There are different ways of hacking someone’s WhatsApp account, but not all methods are effective or easy. The most common method is by using the spy app on their phone so you can read all of their messages in real-time without them knowing! However, there might be times when they have disabled this feature and don’t allow it to work anymore. In that case, here are some other hacks for how to hack Whatsapp:

How to Read Someone’s WhatsApp Messages without their Phone?

There are several methods for the hacker to hack a victim’s phone and obtain messages without their knowledge. He will also require access to his phone for a few minutes to log into his WhatsApp account. However, the phone of the victim will not be needed after that. This approach involves using a Web Browser to log into your WhatsApp account.

Hack Whatsapp Using Chrome

It may surprise you to learn that it’s actually feasible to hack someone’s WhatsApp account using a Web Browser. To hack a WhatsApp account on the web, a hacker must first log into their WhatsApp Web account. The web version of WhatsApp, as the name implies, may be used on the Internet.

If the hacker has access to the victim’s phone, he or she can easily access WhatsApp online and get new message updates without the target knowing. The hacker will also be able to view all of the previous messages that have been saved in the WhatsApp account.

How to Read Someone’s WhatsApp with QR Code?

This is another method that can be used to hack WhatsApp without having access to the victim’s phone. The hacker will need to create a QR code with the message they want to see and then scan it using the victim’s phone. If you are not familiar with QR codes, they are like barcodes that can be scanned by phones. Once scanned, the content of the QR code will be displayed on the screen.

How to Hack Someone’s WhatsApp without Their Phone?

As mentioned earlier, there are several methods for hacking someone’s WhatsApp account without their phone.

Hack WhatsApp Using Spy Apps

Spy apps are a popular way for hackers to gain access to someone’s WhatsApp messages. These apps can be installed on the target’s phone without their knowledge and they will then send all the data from that phone to the hacker. This method is very effective as it gives the hacker access to all of the victim’s conversations, photos, videos, and more!

We found some of the best spy apps for you:


mspy whatsapp

This app is one of the most popular spy apps on the market and it can be used to hack WhatsApp as well as other social media platforms. It comes with a very user-friendly interface and is easy to use.

The good thing about this app is that it can be used on both Android devices as well as iPhones, iPads, and iPods. This means you will have no problem finding the right device for your needs! It also has many other features such as a call recording facility which makes spying even easier for users who want to monitor WhatsApp conversations in real-time.


eyezy whatsapp

This app is also very easy to use and allows you to read WhatsApp messages on your phone or computer.

The best thing about this app is that it has a feature called “App Lock” which allows the hacker to lock the target’s phone when they are not around. By locking someone’s phone, he can prevent them from seeing what he does on their device. This way there will be no evidence of any kind! It also gives hackers access to other social media platforms like Facebook, Whatsapp, Snapchat, etc.


moniterro whatsapp

This app offers amazing capabilities including monitoring social media platforms like Facebook Messenger, Telegram chats, Viber messages, etc so if someone tries to get into their account by using any of these apps you’ll know immediately due to an alert sent via email or SMS text message. You can also view all photos and videos taken on the target’s device, and even track their GPS location in real-time!

There are many different spy apps that hackers can use to hack someone’s WhatsApp account. All of these apps offer various features and benefits so it is important for you to find the right one for your specific needs. Make sure you do your research before selecting an app!

Hack WhatsApp Account by Disabling Two-Factor Authentication

Another way that a hacker can gain access to someone’s WhatsApp account is by disabling two-factor authentication. This process can be completed on the victim’s phone or through their web browser. If successful, the hacker will then be able to log into the victim’s account without having to enter the two-factor authentication code.

This process can be completed by following these simple steps:

  • Open WhatsApp on the victim’s phone and go to Settings.
  • Scroll down and select “Account”.
  • Tap on “Two-Step Verification” and then disable it.
  • Enter your old number as the recovery option and then disable “Require this safety code” if it is enabled.

Now, when you try to log into the victim’s account, you will not need to enter the two-factor authentication code! All you will need is their username and password. This method is very effective for hackers as it allows them access to all of the victim’s conversations without any hassle!

Hacking WhatsApp by Sending OTP

Another way that a hacker can gain access to someone’s WhatsApp account is by sending them an OTP (One Time Password). This process can be completed by following these simple steps:

  • Open the victim’s WhatsApp and go to Settings.
  • Tap on “Account” and then select “Two-Step Verification”.
  • Enable “Receive SMS messages” and then enter your phone number.

Now, when you try to log into the victim’s account, you will be sent an OTP via text message which you will need to enter in order to gain access. This method is very effective for hackers as it allows them access to all of the victim’s conversations without having to know their phone number!

Hack WhatsApp Account by Sending Spammy Link

Another method that hackers can use to hack someone’s WhatsApp account is by sending them a spammy link. These links usually contain an encoded URL that redirects the user to another website where they will be asked for their phone number and password.

This process can be completed through email or SMS text message, so it is important for you to always check the sender before opening any kind of document! This method is very effective for hackers as many people tend not to question who has sent them documents such as these because there are often no suspicious factors involved in this process unlike other methods used when hacking Whatsapp accounts.


As you can see, there are many different ways that you can hack someone’s WhatsApp account. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, but they can all be used in order to gain access to someone’s Whatsapp. But we recommend you to use spy apps like mSpy, Eyezy or Moniterro because they are very effective and easy to use. These apps allow you to hack someone’s Whatsapp without having their phone in your possession!

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  • Carlos Donaldson

    Hello, I'm Carlos, the tech enthusiast. With a keen interest in technology and cybersecurity, I specialize in innovative apps for tracking and spying. My passion lies in creating solutions that empower users to protect their privacy and ensure their digital safety. Through this site I share my expertise and insights aiming to help you navigate the digital world securely and effectively.

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